Solar Panels – How to get the most out of them


Solar Panels – How to get the most out of them

If you want to get the most out of the sun's beneficial energy, your solar panel system should be situated where the panels are exposed to abundant sunshine. More often than not, this place is the roof of your house. But if that won't work for you, the system can also be installed on the ground.

When deciding where to situate your installation, there are some things to consider:

Orientation and Inclination

The sun moves through the sky at a specific pattern. Depending on where you live, there is a particular angle that is best for solar power production. In the US, which is in the Northern Hemisphere, the south-facing side of the property is the best location.

Available Space

The number of panels used would determine the power output of your installation so ideally, the bigger the open space, the better. But this is not always possible. Sometimes, the place where the power system would be located is limited or irregular. In which case, your installer would need to make the necessary adjustments by placing solar panels in different faces of the roof at an angle that is not the most ideal for harnessing the sun's energy. It leads to a lower power output from your system.


One of the crucial factors that could affect the energy yield of your system is the presence of shades. Objects that always cast a shadow over the array would affect the amount of sunlight that gets to the PV (photovoltaic) cells.

Your installer would have to consider the presence of trees, building, antennas, or any structure that could throw shade on your solar panels.

Using solar design software, measure the losses caused by shading or near-shading. Near-shading losses should not go over 10%.

All things being equal, should you install on your roof or the ground?

There are benefits and disadvantages to both.

For roof installation


Cheaper to install because it uses fewer materials

Utilizes unused space

Easier to get a permit for


Harder to access

Could be expensive if you need to replace the roof

Space constraints could limit the size, thus, also the power output, of your system

Harder to troubleshoot in case of errors or malfunctions

Construction on the roof could lead to water damage

For ground installation


Easier access leads to ease in maintenance

Cooler temperatures for your panel because air flows more naturally on the ground. More cooling panels result in more energy output

There's no need to remove the panels in case of roof renovation or repair

The design of the system is not limited by the size and dimension of the roof


Tend to cost more because more materials are needed

There is a need for excavation

Uses up space

Installation is more labor-intensive

Harder to get a permit for

If you're finding it hard to decide where to place your solar power installation, consult your installer to give you a clearer idea on what would best suit your budget and your lifestyle.




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