Chia Seeds – Benefits & Attributes


Chia Seeds – Benefits & Attributes

The chia seeds hail from the Mint family and are recognized as one of the super foods. ’Chia’ in the old Mayan language means strength and they do justice to their name by providing a sustainable source of energy. These can be added to your morning cereal, yogurt, smoothies, shakes, puddings, porridge or can be eaten raw. They can dramatically boost the nutritional value of food. Here, we talk about some of the benefits of the chia seeds.

A Punch of nutrients

Low in calories but rich in nutrients, chia seeds are the ultimate superfood. One ounce of chia seeds provides 11g of fibre, 4g of protein, 9g of fat (most of which are omega-3s), 18% of the RDI for Calcium, 30% of the RDI for manganese and magnesium respectively and 27% of the RDI for phosphorous. They also contain zinc, potassium, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and folate. This all is delivered to the body with only 1g of carbohydrate and only 101 calories/ounce. Moreover, the proteins contained have a good combination of the essential amino acids and the fats are unsaturated. The chia seeds are also gluten free and can be consumed by patients with celiac disease.

A Healthy you with chia seeds

Chia seeds are rich in anti-oxidants and these anti-oxidants can scavenge free radicals and stop them from attacking cell structures and molecules and so can also reduce risk of certain illnesses and cancer by decreasing oxidative stress. The anti-oxidants can slow down aging and give you a healthier skin. Chronic inflammation can also be reduced by the intake of chia seeds.


Chia seeds is good for your Digestion

Most of the carbs in chia seeds are non-digestible fibres. One ounce of chia seeds can provide you with 44% of your daily fibre requirement. This fibre aids digestion by absorbing water and increasing the regularity and frequency of bowel movements and hence, can prevent constipation. Chia seeds can also act as a probiotic by providing food for the good bacteria that maintain a healthy gut and a healthy you.

Regulating Blood sugar levels

Raised blood sugar levels in diabetes pose a threat to many body organs like the heart, eyes, blood vessels and nerves. Chia seeds can regulate these sugar levels and also improve insulin sensitivity. Chia seeds also reduce glycaemic index of foods when added to them and can therefore prevent a post meal spike in blood glucose levels.


Weight loss and chia seeds

Chia seeds are rich in fibre and therefore tend to swell up in the stomach giving a feeling of fullness and also slows down food absorption. Proteins in chia seeds can also reduce appetite. They also are low in calories and therefore can be used for weight loss.

Build Strong bones and teeth with chia seeds

Chia seeds can strengthen your bones and protect against osteoporosis by preserving and improving bone density. Chia seeds have the essential nutrients needed for good bone health like phosphorous, protein, manganese, magnesium and a staggering amount of calcium. All these are needed for building strong bones.

The calcium in chia seeds is also needed for strong and healthy teeth. Zinc in chia seeds prevents plaque formation and can also kill bacteria and treat halitosis or bad breath. Vitamin A and phosphorous also help in maintaining a healthy oral cavity.


 Chia seeds for a healthy heart

Chia seeds reduce the risk factors for heart disease, including inflammation, triglycerides, bad cholesterol, belly fat, hypertension and insulin resistance and therefore can protect the heart from diseases.

 Boost Athletic performance and energy

Athletes often use chia seeds for carb loading to increase glycogen storage in muscle and liver which optimizes endurance and improves performance during workouts. Protein in chia seeds can also build up muscle mass and increase muscle strength when take after workouts by promoting muscle repair.


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