Standing Desk – A better way to increase good health rate


Standing Desk – A better way to increase good health rate

Comprehensive Findings

Hey, bored of sitting on a chair for using a laptop in your office all day long? Try to find a solution by using a standing desk. Do you know what standing desk is? No, really?

What is a standing desk?

A standing desk is a desk made for reading, writing, or working at a laptop when standing up or sitting in a high stool.


Disadvantages of sitting all-day:

    The risk of developing diabetes and blood clot is increased.

    The person who sits all day keeps 54% more chance to have a heart attack

    If you sit more than 23 hours in a week, your chances to die from a heart attack is increased by 64%.

    You gain weight by sitting all day at the office.

    A person who sits all the time while working at the office can experience back and neck pain.

Benefits of the standing desk:

If you work in an office and spend most of your time sitting at a desk. A standing table is a treasure for you. It is high in length so that you can stand while doing office tasks. Standing desks are very beneficial from many aspects but remember one thing that standing up all day is injurious to health. You must take 20 minutes to sit down rest after 3 or 4 hours of standing so that you can be ready for another standing session.

Blood circulation:

Standing up more often helps in proper blood circulation. When you work while standing up, blood circulation increased than sitting down all day. A standing desk can quickly fulfill this requirement.

Less risk of diabetes:

By standing up, blood sugar is regulated very nicely, so the chances of developing diabetes become less. A small study conducted for 10 workers in an office. It is observed that standing for 180 minutes after lunch decreased their blood sugar by 43% than the workers sitting for the same amount of time. Indeed, it is possible because standing also involves some physical movements. Many studies show that by using a standing desk at the office, one can lower the sugar level.

Lower blood pressure:

While you stand up more often, your blood pressure lowers down due to good blood circulation. Office employees spend most of their time in office, so the availability of a standing desk is an opportunity for them to regulate their blood pressure.


Reduce obesity by burning calories:

Obesity is mainly due to taking more calories than you burn. You become fat or gain weight while working by sitting down in the office or any workspace. Like exercise, choose to walk by standing instead of sitting on a chair is beneficial to burn calories. Standing for the same amount of time, you can burn 170 additional calories than sitting. So, 1000 extra calories are burned in a week by standing and working at your desk, instead of sitting at the given time. This calorie difference is the leading cause of obesity and weight gain. It is clear now that sitting is directly linked to obesity. A standing up desk can play a vital role to lose weight.

Healthier Joints:

It is shown that who sits more of the time, they feel like joints are not so comfortable to move. It is because the joints are used to less movement and become weak. Physical movement makes the joints healthier and standing involves physical movement too. So, a standing desk can promote healthier joints.

Reducing back pain:

Back pain is mostly found in the office workers who sit throughout the day. A study conducted on office employees about the impacts of working at standing up desks. The participants claimed of 32% improvement in their back pain after using standing desks. According to scientists, working while standing at a standing desk for 4 weeks, back pain can be reduced by 54%.

Increase focus:

You become lazy and feel tired and sleepy while sitting on a chair and working on a laptop. By the use of a standing desk, you can increase your focus on work, and your performance is increased.

Improve posture:

You can get a bad posture by sitting and working on a laptop. The standing desk improves your posture.

Reducing neck pain:

Sitting down on a chair with a bowing head and working at the laptop all day can cause severe neck pain. By standing desk, you can avoid this problem

Lower the risk of heart disease:

Sitting all day long in the office or your workplace can increase the risk of heart attacks and other heart diseases. According to a study, the risk of heart attacks and diseases is less in bus conductors than the bus drivers. The difference among them is just their positions. So, in the offices, it is very convenient for employees to use a standing desk.

Improve mood and energy:

In a study, it is observed that employees using standing desks feel less stress, tension, and fatigue than those employees who work by sitting on a chair. They feel tiredness as well as focus diversion. When the examined workers had returned to their old traditional sitting work desks, their overall mood also returned to the original level.

No hindrance on productivity:

There is a misconception about working at a standing desk; it hurts daily office tasks. In an experiment on 60 employees, it is found that the use of a standing desk doesn’t affect the performance negatively. It boosts productivity instead of reducing it.

How to choose a standing desk:

By seeing the advantages of the standing desk, it is recommended to buy and use a standing desk instead of typical old desks, but this raised some questions in mind.

Is the standing desk suitable for me?

The primary purpose of a standing desk is to move all day. Standing all day is worse for some people than sitting. So, it is vital to choose wisely between a modern standing desk and a traditional sitting desk. You have to ask yourself is standing desk is right for me and then decide according to your health.

Which one suits me, a standing desk or a sit-stand desk?

A standing desk is just for work while standing while a sit-stand desk has both sitting and standing qualities at the same time if you want to stand for some time and to take a sitting break after it, so a sit-stand desk is a better option for you.


 Should I go for a height-adjustable standing up desk or fixed?

There are two types of desks in the market

    Fixed height standing desks

    Adjustable height standing desk

A height-adjustable desk is more convenient if multiple people use it. Moreover, it is also useful for you if you want different heights for different tasks. For example, for reading or writing, you want one height, for professional work, you want another height.

Should I buy a new desk or a unit for an old desk?

It depends upon your preferences as well as the space you have. If you have more space or having a nature to spread things all around, then you must have to go for a new desk. If you have a small space and also think that you can manage things in little space so you should purchase a unit for your existing desk and save money too.

Which height adjustment range is best for me?

Standing desks available in the markets have their specific height adjustment range. When you will go for purchasing a standing desk, one thing must be in your mind that you have to purchase a desk which is according to your height range.



Features to choose a standing desk:


It is an essential feature. You should not buy a desk which stuck for a specific person only. You should check its height for a tall person and also for a short person than you. Moreover, your standing habits may also change with time.


 Height memory and syncing:

There are two types of adjustable standing desks.

    Hand crank or manual version

    Electrical version

An electrical standing desk is expensive than the manual version. The advantage of the electrical desk is that it has an LED keypad to save different heights settings when the desk is in the use of different persons.

Multi-level surfaces

A designed desk is entirely flat. You can buy a desk with many surfaces. It will help you to organize plenty of documents and other items.

Weight capacity

This small feature is significant to see. It is based upon the purpose for which you want to use your desk. A manual desk can support 200 to 300 pounds of weight. It is quite enough for a desktop, speakers, and some other accessories. An electrical desk has a lift feature. Lift capacity shows that how much weight this desk can bear. The high rating of the lift means the desk can withstand much weight without any damage.

Cable friendly design

There are some desks with the option of cable management. If you don’t want to look at your desk as messy so, you remember this feature while purchasing a desk. Just a small hole for cable in the desk will fulfill your needs. Some desks also have the cable tray for more specified management of cables.

Accompanying apps

If you want to know how much standing and moving is better for you. There is a like up desk with an app that alerts you when to shift with standing or sitting positions. It also tells you how many calories you have burned.



High-quality material

There are many types of desks in the market. They vary in the material. You should choose a desk with high-quality material and neat finishing. Autonomous gives you the best range of high-quality standing desks at reasonable prices.

Desk depth

The desk depth means the front to back tabletop distance from the user. 30 inches depth is the most common, which is perfect for most of the users. If it is less than 30 than the monitor is close to the user. It will affect the visual performance and make eye discomfort.


The electrical standing desk produces noise during height adjustment. Some produce very little noise, and some cause more. You should choose a less noisy desk.

Good mat

It looks like a very minimal feature, but you should keep it in mind. You should purchase a good mat. It helps to support healthy standing habits.


Keyboard tray:

Some desks are with a moveable keyboard tray. It is also not a necessary feature. You can adjust the height of your desk at the desired position. If you are a short person, maybe it is a better option for you then.

Cardboard standing desk DIY:

If you want to get a standing desk at the cheapest rate so you should try cardboard standing desk DIY. It is made up of corrugated cardboard. You can make it by yourself.


Advantages of cardboard standing desk:

Cardboard is an excellent material for a standing desk having advantages.


The standing desk made by the cardboard is very lightweight. It is effortless to move from one place to another. You don’t face any trouble to transfer it from your home to office or any other place.


Corrugated cardboard is a durable material in spite of its less weight. A standing desk is easily made up of it. It can bear an adequate burden on it. It is suitable for your laptop and documents.










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