Use of The Marketing in Businesses


Use of The Marketing in Businesses


The term marketing, defined as a set of principles and practices that are carried out to increase sales of a business. Including the processes that set-in motion and the resources that are invested to achieve that end. Thus, it involves the analysis of the commercial management of the company to plan strategies to retain and retain customers while trying to attract new ones.

Through different techniques and tools, marketing seeks to position a product or brand in the minds of consumers. And for this, the customer's needs are taken as a starting point. They see the results in most cases in the long term.


Marketing is a vast field, and it consists of creative ideas. Some experts misunderstand it and fix this term marketing as a process of selling products only though it is an act that drives the selling and depends on your capability and creativity. Students who are assigned assignments on marketing topic must go in depth-research with many factors like its demand, market reputation, goods production, service satisfaction, and reliability. For writing a marketing assignment, you may need a marketing expert to aid you in the right direction and will let you know the marketing strategy.

This article will help you by writing your next marketing assignment. Listed below are the core components of a marketing assignment must keep in mind while writing your marketing assignment.

Product Research:

The most essential and highly valued area of marketing domain is product research which must carry out before the product gets manufactured. Through research you will find the need of a customer, targeted sectors, product quality in the market and feedback on the existing product of same quality, this all will help you to make your strategy to market your product.


Advertising is the set of strategies with which a company discloses its products to society. Advertising uses media as its primary tool; these are so diverse and have so much expansion and impact on the general public that they are essential for commerce in general. The advertising will inform the potential consumer of a good or service about the benefits that it presents and will highlight the differences that distinguish it from other brands.

Direct Marketing:

Direct marketing is a type of advertising campaign to trigger an outcome in a particular target. To give a couple of examples, they can be visits to e-commerce or complete the form of a landing page requesting brand information. It can have different formats, such as postal mail, telemarketing, at the point of sale or, one of the most prominent, direct email marketing.



Public Relation:

Public relation is vital for any successful business; as it gives the company a voice and personality of its own. Anyone might think that it is an area which can be left aside to achieve success in the company. It is necessary to pay as much attention as any other area.

The most common actions of public relations marketing are the promotion of the company or its product in social networks. It is almost essential to have an active presence, an updated profile on the networks to reach the public, above all, to interact with it. The creation of events or participation in fairs or congresses is another of the most common marketing public relations actions.

Customer Service:

Customer service is a method used by a company to get in touch with its customers; among other things, the goods or services offered than reaches its consumers and is to be used correctly. It is also an efficient marketing tool to know the brand image.

In general, customer service services pursue consumer satisfaction, providing support, guidance or instructions regarding what is necessary.




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